Wednesday, July 24, 2024



JULY 23,2024


Every PRO for every race gets anxious about the conditions, Too much wind or too little wind can all be problems.  As usual for Tuesdays, I was at the harbor through the afternoon, and though the predictions were for very light wind  through the evening, there was wind apparent on the flags.  As we left the harbor, there was a light wind apparent across the bay. Would it fade or stay?  We set a line square to the 225 wind direction and called for course Whiskey 3: Start>Schuyler>Blacks> Finish figuring that we could shorten course if the wind started to die. We blew the 10 minute horn and both fleets got off to a clean start and tacked their way to the first mark.

The first of A fleet to round  Schuyler was Duet followed by Aboriginal, Sagittarius, Interlude, Pegasus, Yellow Belly, Double Espresso, Sweetheart, Aquavit and Rosie.  Fleet B was led by Gold Rush, then  Zoop, Perfect 36, Quixotic, Makani, Pair A Dice, Simpatico, Wind Goddess, and Pacific Spirit.

On the long run toward Blacks, it seemed the wind was dying, especially for the B Fleet which started 5 minutes after A Fleet.  We announced a shorter course for B Fleet that would finish at the Blacks mark.  Since most of A fleet were finishing, we left them with the longer (original) course.

At the finish A Fleet was led by Aboriginal 1:02:31 then Pegasus 1:07:06, Interlude 1:08:23, Duet 1:09:37, Yellow Belly 1:10:09, Wind II 1:12:07, Sagittarius 1:14:13, Double Espresso 1:15:52, Sweetheart 1:18:51, Aquavit  1:23:26 and Rosie 1:30:06. B Fleet, sailing the shorter course, finished with Zoop in the lead 1:01:58, then Gold Rush 1:03:59, Makani 1:09:00, Perfect 36 1:10:47, Pair A Dice 1:10:47, Big Mac 1:20:25, Simpatico 1:21:25, Pacific Spirit 1:21:56 and Wind Goddess 1:23:53  All times are elapsed  and the course distance for A Fleet was 3.60NM and for B Fleet the course was 3.10NM.

Though there was anxiety about the persistence of the wind, it was a beautiful evening on the water: Yet another beautiful light wind evening!


PLACE                 BOAT                                   PHRF                   CORRECTED TIME


1             WIND II                                             213                       59:20

2             INTERLUDE                                     141                       59:55

3             ABORIGINAL                                   33                          1:00:32

4             PEGASUS                                         78                          1:02:25

5             DUET                                                 141                       1:01:09

6             YELLOW BELLY                             141                       1:01:41

7             SAGITTARIUS                                 120                       1:07:01

8             DOUBLE ESPRESSO                       99                          1:09:55

9             AQUAVIT                                          72                          1:19:06

10          SWEETHEART                                  -6                           1:19:12

11          ROSIE                                                 162                       1:21:02


1             ZOOP                                                144                       54:31

2             GOLD RUSH                                   126                       57:28

3             MAKANI                                         147                       1:01:24

4             PERFECT 36                                    144                       1:03:20

5             SAILING PAIR A DICE                   180                       1:04:55

6             BIG MAC                                         222                       1:08:56

7             SIMPATICO                                     165                       1:12:53

8             PACIFIC SPIRIT                              165                       1:13:24

9             WIND GODDESS                            168                       1:15:12


The track for this evening can be found at:




This very fun event is coming up on August 11.  Bob Dewitt, who is organizing this regatta is offering a special trophy for boats that have never competed in this event.  He sent me this information: To sweeten the pot, we are creating a special award for Tuesday night racers who enter the BBBS regatta for the first time.  This will be a recognition for first place finish among Tuesday night racers who are participating in the BBBS regatta for the first time.  Racers should enter the boat in one of the Divisions listed on the SCYC Regatta page.  Racers will be eligible for the Division awards in addition to this special award.

I can think of several boats in our group that could qualify for this recognition. Get your crew organized for this special event. I hope to see you there.


Next Tuesday is the last Tuesday of the month.  Time for our monthly barbecue after the race. BRING YOUR BEST FOOD TO BARBECUE AND ENJOY.


Barry Keeler

Sailing Pair a Dice

Thursday, July 18, 2024



JULY 16, 2024


There was steady wind showing on the flags through the afternoon.  Enough to persuade me to swap to a smaller jib. As we left the harbor we started looking for the S/F mark.  We did not see it until we nearly sailed over it.  It was about a foot under the water.  Time for plan B, we shifted the start to Blacks and set at line square to the 225-wind direction.  We called for a course Blacks to Schuyler, Mile and finish with Blacks to port.  The wind did not seem to be fading at all. We blew the horn at 5:50 and A fleet got off to a clean start as did B Fleet.

It was great to have some wind actually propel the boat rather than drifting aimlessly as we have become accustomed to. The first A fleet boat to round Schuyler was Aboriginal followed by Sagittarius then Pegasus, Yellow Belly, Aquavit,  Good Timin’ and Rosie.  The first of B Fleet to round was Zoop followed by Gold Rush, Perfect 36, Makani, Avatar, Pacific Spirit, Simpatico, Toad, Kicks, Big Mac, Animal how and Nidaros.

After rounding Schuyler all boats reach off toward Mile then the long run to Blacks for the finish.  The first A fleet boat to finish was Aboriginal 37:21, then Pegasus 42:33, Friskey 43:30, Sagittarius  43:44, Yellow Belly 46:41, Aquavit 47:01, Good Timin’ 50:04, and Rosie 51:41.  B Fleet was led by Zoop 45:09, then Gold Rush 46:01, Makani 48:22, Perfect 36 48:56, Avatar 49:18, Pacific Spirit 49:40, Pair A Dice 50:52, TOAD 55:03, Simpatico 55:52, Animal House 56:49, Big Mac 57:38 and Nidaros 1:03:56.  All times are elapsed the the course distance was 4.1 NM.

It was an awesome night to be out sailing with plenty of sunshine and an awesome wind for us all to enjoy.  Such is life when the wind Gods smile.



PLACE                 BOAT                                                   PHRF                   CORRECTED TIME


1             ABORIGINAL                                                   33                          35:05

2             SAGITTARIUS                                                 120                        35:32

3             YELLOW BELLY                                             141                         37:02

4             PEGASUS                                                         78                          37:13

5            FRISKEY                                                            81                         37:57  

6             GOOD TIMIN’                                                  141                       40:25

7             ROSIE                                                                162                       40:36

8             AQUAVIT                                                          72                          42:05


1             ZOOP                                                                 144                       35:18

2             GOLD RUSH                                                    126                       37:24

3             MAKANI                                                           147                       38:19

4             PACIFIC SPIRIT                                               165                       38:23

5             SAILING PAIR A DICE                                   180                       38:34

6             PERFECT 36                                                    144                       39:05

7             AVATAR                                                            132                       40:16

8             BIG MAC                                                          222                       42:27

9             KICKS                                                               180                       44:05

10          SIMPATICO                                                       165                       44:35

11          TOAD                                                                 150                       44:48

12          ANIMAL HOUSE                                              96                          50:15

13          NIDAROS                                                          118                       55:52



I set my phone as usual, but my track did not record.  Another reminder to record your finish time in case Race QS fails!  On Pair A Dice we recorded our finish time so we could be included in this race.  The track for this evening can be viewed at:


It is time to get your crew together for this once-a-year event!  This is a great organization to support and benefits many of our youth in the community. It is a very fun regatta with slower boats starting first with food and a party with a band playing after the regatta.  Many items to bid on to purchase.  It is an awesome event. Be sure to register for this event.

Hope and pray for wind next Tuesday!

Barry Keeler

Sailing Pair A Dice


Thursday, July 11, 2024

JULY 9, 2024 240 TO 90 IN 60


JULY 9, 2024

240 TO 90 IN 60

I am always anxious on Tuesdays wondering if we will have enough wind to have a race.  The flags were showing a mild northwesterly through the afternoon, so I was surprised to see the bay full of white caps as we left the harbor at about 5.  With the heavy fog bank offshore, I was confident the wind would hold.  We set the start line square to the 240-degree direction of the wind as boats were coming out of the harbor. With close to 20 knot winds, it was going to be a great night! 

We called for an ambitious course Whiskey 2 and blew the 10 minute horn.  From our perspective, it looked like a clean start for A Fleet as B Fleet set up for their start.  All boats tacked their way to the first mark, Schuyler and the first A Fleet boat to round was Aboriginal, then Sweetheart, Friskey, Sagittarius, Pegasus, Aquavit, Yellow Belly, Double Espresso, Interlude, Watts Moore and Good Timin’.  B Fleet had Gold Rush first to round followed by Perfect 36, Pacific Spirit, Simpatico, Big Mac, Kicks, Nidaros, Pair a Dice, Hamachi and Animal House.

The wind was steady as all boats rounded Mile but, on the way to Blacks the wind started to falter as we saw some A Fleet boats sailing back toward us after rounding Blacks.  As reefs were shaken out and jibs completely deployed, boats drifted aimlessly waiting for a “new wind” to develop.  We noticed some fog down toward Aptos which is usually a precursor for a developing Easterly and sure enough we saw an Easterly wind on the water toward the beach just out of reach.  We used the waves to help sweep us closer to the developing Easterly and to round Blacks.  After the round Blacks, all B Fleet boats sailed downwind in a firm Easterly toward the finish mark.  The leading boats in A Fleet avoided much of this frustration since they finished before the wind died.

The first A Fleet boat to finish was Aboriginal 42:18, then Sweetheart 45:00, Frisky 46:20, Pegasus 47:12, Sagittarius 50:30, Yellow Belly 1:00:15, Aquavit 1:08:17, Double Espresso 1:09:02, Interlude 1:20:41 and Good Timin’ 1:21:25.  B Fleet was led by Pacific Spirit 1:13:55 then Simpatico 1:14:18, Big Mac 1:15:02, Nidaros 1:15:19, Pair A Dice 1:15:22, Perfect 36 1:15:27, Animal House 1:16:12, Hamachi 1:16:15, Kicks 1:16:21, Gold Rush 1:19:26.  All times are elapsed and the course distance was 3.95NM.

It was great to have good wind for at least the first part of the race.  We started with a healthy breeze from 240 degrees which developed into a good Easterly from 90 degrees after an hour of racing.  It was 240 to 90 in 60 minutes.




PLACE                 BOAT                                   PHRF                   CORRECTED TIME


1             ABORIGINAL                                   33                          40:10

2             FRISKY                                              81                          41:00

3             PEGASUS                                          78                          42:03

4             SAGITTARIUS                                   120                       42:36

5             SWEETHEART                                 -6                           45:23

6             YELLOW BELLY                              141                       50:58

7             DOUBLE ESPRESSO                       99                          1:02:31

8             AQUAVIT                                          72                          1:08:17

9             INTERLUDE                                     141                       1:11:25

10          GOOD TIMIN’                                   141                       1:12:08


1             HAMACHI                                         243                       1:00:15

2             BIG MAC                                            222                       1:00:25

3             PACIFIC SPIRIT                                 165                       1:03:03

4             SIMPATICO                                        165                       1:03:26

5             SAILING PAIR A DICE                      180                       1:03:31

6             KICKS                                                  180                       1:04:30

7             WIND GODDESS                               168                       1:04:46

8             PERFECT 36                                       144                       1:05:58

9             NIDAROS                                            118                       1:07:32

10          ANIMAL HOUSE                                 96                         1:09:52

11          GOLD RUSH                                        126                       1:11:08



People are having problems getting the app to work on their newer phones.  They cannot find the app in Google play or the app store.  The solution to this problem is to do a google search on your phone searching for “Race QS”.  This results in multiple results to choose from such as “Download to Android” or “Download to Apple”.  This should allow you to pick which app to load to your phone.  To get the app to work correctly, you should follow these procedures: 1: preset the start for some time before your start like 5:45 or 17:45. 2: mount your phone in a stable position close to centerline of boat face up with top of phone toward the bow.  Additionally, I like to keep the phone plugged in so the battery keeps charged.

The track for this evening can be found at:


The common thought when the wind is dying is to “sail to the new wind”.  This evening we had several boats that rounded Blacks and sailed back out toward the “old wind”.  This made sense because how could 20 knot winds just die?  When the wind dies, there is no guarantee that a new wind will follow.  On this evening, the fog filling in toward Aptos was one indication that an Easterly MAY develop.  The boats that sailed toward shore to take advantage of the new Easterly did better than the ones that sailed back out for the dying Northwesterly.


The big regatta of the year is coming: Big Brothers Big Sisters regatta on August 11.  This is a great event with a reverse PHRF start, meaning the slower boats start first. This is also a benefit for a great organization that provides direction for local young people in the community.  Put it on your calendar and plan to participate!

Barry Keeler

Sailing Pair A Dice

Wednesday, July 3, 2024



JULY 2, 2024


I have gotten to the point that I don’t like to even look at the wind forecasts. They are almost always wrong. As I watched the flags, there was an unusual south wind showing. As we left the harbor just before 5pm, there was more wind on the water than was apparent on the flags, but coming from the south.  There are no marks to sail to with a light south wind, so we set a windward mark a third of a mile or so out toward Mile buoy.  We called for a course start, temporary mark, Blacks finish at S/F.  Would the light wind continue or would we have to shorten course?  We blew the “10 minute horn” as 33 boats were out for the race.  We thought we had set a long start line but probably not long enough for the two fleets split between 33 boats.

We set up to site the line for the A fleet start, but it was so crowded we could not determine which boats were OCS, but several boats came back to start again.   All boats made their way to the first mark and the first of A Fleet to round was Watts Moore then Double Espresso, Yellow Belly, Magic, Frisky, Interlude, Sweetheart, Rosie and Sagittarius.  B Fleet was led by Zoop, then Avatar, Big Mac, Toad, Nidaros, Gold Rush, Pair A Dice, Kicks, Simpatico, Perfect 36 Pacific Spirit and Sweet Pea.

On the run to Blacks, there seemed to be more wind just outside and  some boats tried to go further out, but most boats just rhumb lined it to the mark.

The wind seemed to be dying but all boats finished.  Fleet A was finished first by Watts Moore 31:39 then Double Espresso 34:59, Interlude 37:27, Friskey 38:12, Yellow Belly 38:28, Sweetheart 39:32, Magic 42:26, Ethos 43:16,  Sagittarius 43:28, Rosie 46:50 and Wind II 47:05.  B Fleet was led by Avatar 41:33, then Zoop 43:09, Nidaros 45:22, Big Mac 45:31, Pair A Dice 47:28, TOAD 49:26, God Rush 50:00, Kicks 52:54, Perfect 36 53:25, Pacific Spirit 54:38, Blonde Ambition 55:26,  Sweet Pea 57:38 and Simpatico 58:30.  The course was 1.54NM and all times are elapsed.

Though the course was not long, it was a beautiful day on the bay with Clear weather but slow sailing.


PLACE                 BOAT                                  PHRF                   CORRECTED TIME


1             WATTS MOORE                             150                       27:48

2             DOUBLE ESPRESSO                     99                          32:26

3             INTERLUDE                                    141                       33:49

4             YELLOW BELLY                             141                       34:50

5             FRISKEY                                            81                        36:07

6             MAGIC                                               141                       38:48

7             SWEETHEART                                 -6                           39:41

8             SAGITTARIUS                                  120                       40:23

9            ETHOS                                                 72                        41:25

10          WIND II                                               213                       41:37

11          ROSIE                                                  162                       42:40


1             AVATAR                                              132                       38:09

2             ZOOP                                                  144                       39:27

3             BIG MAC                                            222                       39:49

4             NIDAROS                                           118                       42:20

5             SAILING PAIR A DICE                     180                       42:50

6             TOAD                                                  150                       45:35

7             GOLD RUSH                                      126                       46:45

8             KICKS                                                 180                       48:16

9          PERFECT 36                                        144                       49:43

10          PACIFIC SPIRIT                                  165                       50:23

11          BLONDE AMBITION                         165                       51:11

12          SWEET PEA                                        165                       53:23

13          SIMPATICO                                         165                       54:15



The track for this evening can be reviewed at:

Lets hope for better wind next Tuesday.

Barry Keeler

Sailing Pair A Dice