Thursday, August 31, 2023



AUGUST 29, 2023


I got to the harbor early in the afternoon and was discouraged to see a very light Easterly showing on the flags.  As the afternoon progressed, there was little improvement.   We left the harbor just after 5 and there was just enough wind to at least start a race. We determined the wind was coming from 70 degrees and decided to set a reaching mark closer to the beach and called for a course: Start> Blacks > reaching mark (yellow ball) and finish with S/F to port.  We blew a 10-minute

horn for a Fleet A start at 5:55 and a B Fleet start at 6:00. 

Pair A Dice acted as a sheriff boat on this evening to sight the line for OCS boats.  Both fleets had clear starts.  All boats tacked their way to Blacks and, as usual, with such a short distance to Blacks, the rounding was very congested.  The first A Fleet boat to round Blacks was Aboriginal followed by Flexi Flyer, Watts Moore, Yellow Belly, Aquavit,  Sagittarius, Tusitala, Double Espresso, Aquavit and Sticky Fingers.  Fleet B rounding started with Zoop then, Good Timin’, Avatar, Blond Ambition, Pacific Spirit, Big Mac, Nidaros, Makani, Pair A Dice, Wind Goddess, Sweet Pea, Simpatico and Toad.

At the finish, Fleet A was led by Aboriginal 17:41 then Watts Moore 19:10, Yellow Belly 21:37, Flexi Flyer 22:41, Double Espresso 22:41, Wind II 23:09, Tusitala 23:56, Sagittarius 24:11, Sticky Fingers 25:08 and Aquavit 25:50. Fleet B had Good Timin’ cross first 22:48 followed by Zoop 23:01, Avatar 24:28, Pacific Spirit 25:13, Blond Ambition 25:16, Big Mac 26:14, Pair a Dice 26:27, Makani 26:51, Nidaros 26:53, Wind Goddess 27:27, Toad 30:22, Sweet Pea 31:24 and Simpatico 31:55.   All times are elapsed and the course distance was  0.65NM.

While it was a very hot day in Santa Cruz, the wind was diminishing as the evening progressed.  It was just another light wind evening.


PLACE                   BOAT                     PHRF                     ADJUSTED TIME


1             ABORIGINAL                     33                           17:19

2             WATTS MOORE                  150                        17:32

3             YELLOW BELLY                141                        20:05

4             WIND II                                213                        20:50

5             DOUBLE ESPRESSO          99                           21:36

6             FLEXI FLYER                      96                           21:38

7             SAGITTARIUS                     120                        22:53

8             TUSITALA                             90                           22:57

9             STICKY FINGERS                162                        23:22

10           AQUAVIT                              72                           25:03


1             GOOD TIMIN’                     141                        21:16

2             ZOOP                                    144                        21:27

3             AVATAR                                132                        23:02

4             PACIFIC SPIRIT                   165                        23:25

5             BLOND AMBITION            165                        23:28

6             BIG MAC                              222                        23:49

7             PAIR A DICE                        180                        24:30

8             MAKANI                              147                        25:15

9             WIND GODDESS                168                        25:37

10           NIDAROS                             108                        25:42

11           TOAD                                    150                        28:44

12           SWEET PEA                         165                        29:36

13           SIMPATICO                         165                        30:07


The track for this evening can be reviewed at:


We had our first formal protest regarding a barging situation that had occurred.  The protest was brought to my attention by an email sent to me within the time limit describing what happened. I was fortunate enough to sit in on this protest and learned a lot about the process.

When we discuss rules, it is always best to read the pertinent section of the rule book. Protests, redress and hearings are found in Part 5 of the rule book. I encourage each of you to read this part of the rule book, at least all parts of 61 regarding protests. To file a protest, a red flag is necessary unless your boat is less than 6 meters [61.1 (a2)].  It is good to have a red protest flag in place to easily deploy.  After being protested, the protested boat can do one of three actions 1) perform an exonerating turn (for this series a 360-degree turn).  2) If you feel you have not done wrong, sail on and be prepared to “go to the room” to defend your position. 3) Protested boat can retire.  Keep in mind that when taking a penalty turn, you must sail to a clear area to not interfere with other boats (Section D 21.2)

The protest must be filed with the race committee within the time limit (Part 5, 61.3) established by the race committee.  For this series, the time limit is within 24 hours after the race and may be sent by email.  Email can be sent with a description of the incident, but it is best to complete a protest form.

After sitting through this protest, I definitely have respect for the judges that preside in these events.

I hope to see you next Tuesday.

Barry Keeler

Sailing Pair A Dice

Thursday, August 24, 2023



AUGUST 22, 2023


Predictions were for winds to decrease through the evening, but with 20 knot gusts. The flags were showing a good Northwesterly through the afternoon. As we left the harbor just after 5pm, there was a steady, healthy breeze across the bay. We determined the wind was coming from 245 degrees and set a line square to this direction.  We called for course Whiskey 2 and blew the 10 minute to 6  horn.

Fleet A had a clean start and made their way towards Schuyler as Fleet B followed starting 5 minutes after Fleet A.  It was an exciting Fleet B start with many boats crowding together (with no contact) at the red ball end of the line.  At Schuyler, the first Fleet A to round was Frisky followed by Flexy Flyer, Yellow Belly, Watts Moore, Aquavit, Rosie, Sticky Fingers and Odonata.  Fleet B was led by Zoop, followed by Perfect 36, Makani, Pair A Dice, Wind Goddess, Muffin, Pacific Spirit, Toad, Avatar, Nidaros, Big Mac and Simpatico.

All boats rounded Mile and ran toward Blacks as the wind seemed to be lightning a little. The first of Fleet A to finish was Frisky 41:15, followed by Flexi Flyer 42:24, Double Espresso 44:00, Yellow Belly 44:38, Aquavit 44:57, Watts Moore 46:17, Sticky Fingers 49:13, Rosie 49:41 and Odonata 56:36.  Fleet B was led by Zoop 43:19 followed by Perfect 36 45:18, Makani 47:21, Pair A Dice 49:31, Wind Goddess 50:38, Avatar 52:22, Toad 53:01, Simpatico 53:57, Big Mac 54:55, Nidaros 55:08 and Pacific Spirit 55:58.  All times elapsed and the course distance was 3.92 NM.

It was a beautiful evening on the water with just enough wind for all boats to finish the course.  As the last boats made their way to the harbor, there was a light Easterly wind just beginning to develop.


Race QS:

The track for this evening can be reviewed at:

PHRF adjusted results

PLACE                   BOAT                     PHRF        ADJUSTED TIME


1             YELLOW BELLY                    141        35:25

2             FRISKY                                    81           35:57

3             FLEXI FLYER                         96           36:07

4             WATTS MOORE                      150        36:29

5             DOUBLE ESPRESSO             99           37:31

6             STICKY FINGERS                  162        38:37

7             ROSIE                                       162        39:05

8             AQUAVIT                                 72          40:04   

9            ODONATA                                243        40:43                   


1             ZOOP                                    144        33:54

2             PERFECT 36                        144        35:53

3             MAKANI                              147        37:44

4             SAILING PAIR A DICE        180        37:45

5             WIND GODDESS                168        39:39

6             BIG MAC                              222        40:24

7             SIMPATICO                         165        43:10

8             TOAD                                    150        43:13

9             AVATAR                                132        43:44

10           PACIFIC SPIRIT                   165        45:11

11           NIDAROS                             108        48:04


We have all agreed to follow the racing rules of sailing.  In our crowded starts, following the rules is a critical element.  It is not possible to call boats OCS (after the fact) when reviewing Race QS.  We may  establish a “Sherriff boat” to sail outside of the start line for B Fleet starts to sight  the line for OCS boats.    Monitor your radio on channel 69 for the announcement of OCS boats.

There are multiple resources to access the rules.  To see the rules online, go to these websites: 


You can also download the free US Sailing app for your Apple or Android phone or tablet. These apps include a digital and searchable copy of the entire rule book and are a handy quick reference.


I hope to see you sailing next Tuesday.


Barry Keeler

Sailing Pair A Dice



Thursday, August 17, 2023



AUGUST 15, 2023


Once again, Predict Wind was calling for light winds to diminish through the evening.  When I arrived at the harbor, there was a good breeze showing on the flags, but would it maintain through the evening?  As we left the harbor after 5pm, there was a good 12 knot breeze that seemed to be following the fog line that was just offshore.  We determined that the wind was coming from 220 degrees and set a line square to this.  I was discouraged with my  course decision for last Tuesday with the wind dying and many boats retiring from the race.  I decided to call for an impromptu course: Schuyler> Gov(sb) and if the wind was still strong enough finish at S/F.  This left the option for completing the race at a Gov/Wharf finish line if the wind died.  We blew a “10 minute horn” which was  a 5 minute horn for Fleet A and a 10 minute horn for Fleet B.

Fleet A got off to a clean start as did Fleet B as all boats made their way to the windward mark. Fleet A was led around Schuyler by Aboriginal, then Frisky, Geronimo, Watts Moore,  Aquavit, Good Timin’, Sumo, Coyote.  Fleet B had Zoop first followed by Avatar, Perfect 36, Gold Rush, Nidaros, Pair A Dice,  Simpatico, TOAD, Makani, Muffin, Big Mac and Wind Goddess.

It was an interesting scenario as boats made their way to Gov needing to avoid boat approaching Schuyler.  The order of Fleet A rounding Gov was Aboriginal, Watts Moore, Geronimo, Aquavit, Good Timin’, Coyote, Frisky and Sumo.  Fleet B was led by Zoop followed by Perfect 36, Avatar, Nidaros, Pair A Dice, Simpatico, TOAD, Muffin, Makani,  Big Mac and Wind Goddess.

With the wind not dissipating as anticipated, all boats made their way to the finish at S/F.  At the finish Fleet A was led by Aboriginal 32:44 followed by Watts Moore 39:37, Geronimo 39:47, Aquavit 41:43, Good Timin’ 41:52, Coyote 42:02, Sumo 43:41 and Frisky 44:22.  Fleet B had Zoop first 37:23, Perfect  36 40:48, Gold Rush 41:00, Avatar 41:17, Nidaros 41:55, Pair A Dice 43:05, TOAD 44:33, Simpatico 45:16, Muffin 48:46, Wind II 49:33, Big Mac 49:56, Makani 50:07 and Wind Goddess 50:50.  All times are elapsed and the course distance was 3.08 NM.

While the fog was threatening, it was also producing enough wind for everyone to finish the whole course on this Windy Westerly Tuesday.


PLACE                   BOAT                                     PHRF                                     PHRF ADJUSTED TIME


1             ABORIGINAL                                     33                                        31:02

2             WATTS MOORE                                 150                                      31:55

3             GOOD TIMIN’                                    141                                       34:37

4             GERONIMO                                        87                                         35:19

5             SUMO                                                 141                                        36:26

6             COYOTE                                             86                                          37:37

7             AQUAVIT                                            72                                          38:01

8             FRISKY                                                81                                         40:12


1             ZOOP                                                    144                                        29:59

2             PERFECT 36                                        144                                        33:24

3             SAILING PAIR A DICE                        180                                       33:50

4             AVATAR                                                132                                        34:30

5             GOLD RUSH                                        126                                        34:31

6             SIMPATICO                                         165                                        36:47

7             NIDAROS                                             108                                        36:22

8             TOAD                                                    150                                        36:51

9             BIG MAC                                              222                                        38:32

10           WIND II                                                213                                        38:36

11           WIND GODDESS                                168                                        42:12

12           MAKANI                                              147                                        42:34

13           MUFFIN                                               141                                        42:52



The track for this evening can be viewed at:


I have asked Chris Hofmann to assist with this subject. 

Many sailors find the Racing Rules of Sailing intimidating, but a full understanding is not needed to get around the race course and have some fun while racing. Most of us have had some exposure to the simple and basic rules like a “starboard tack boat has the right-of-way over a port tack boat”, a “leeward boat has the right-of-way over a windward boat”, and “all boats should avoid contact and collisions while on the water”, but beyond that the rules get more complex.


We will try to show some ways that the rules can be a little less intimidating and easier to understand. When a difficult or complex situation comes up on the water it's most important to always go back to the original source of the rules (the Racing Rules of Sailing) to know and understand the exact rule(s), and the roles and responsibilities of any boat or person that might pertain to that situation.   As familiarity with the rules grows, you will be a more confident sailor while on the water, and less likely to get into situations with other boats, or if you do you’ll be able to do the correct maneuvers in those situations.     


One of the simplest presentations of the rules comes from Latitude 38 as follows:

Latitude 38’s Basic Racing Guidelines Since sailboat racing is a recreational sport, we think the number-one rule should be to have fun. Beyond that, some basic guidelines help prevent collisions and ensure that racing is both fun and fair. Below is an outline of the 10 basic rules that cover most racing situations. For completeness and total accuracy, refer to Racing Rules of Sailing 2021-2024, published by US Sailing. See for details.

1. Port tack keep clear of starboard tack.

2. If boats are on the same tack and overlapped, the windward boat must keep clear of the boat to leeward.

3. If boats are on the same tack, a boat clear astern must keep clear of a boat clear ahead.

4. When tacking or jibing, keep clear of boats on a tack.

5. Avoid collisions. If you have the right of way and hit the other boat, causing damage or injury, you will both be penalized.

6. Don’t obstruct. Don’t make it hard for the ‘keep clear’ boat to do so. (No hunting

7. Sail the course prescribed. You have to round the marks in the directions specified in the Sailing Instructions and can’t touch a mark.

8. Proper Course (same tack, within two hull lengths). If the leeward boat came from astern, leeward boat shall not sail above its own proper course during the overlap. (Remember that the windward boat still has to keep clear, even if windward is forced above what it believes is windward’s proper course. Leeward still has right of way.)

9. Give room at marks and obstructions to yachts overlapped on the inside, except: a. When the overlap did not exist before the lead boat reaches the three-boatlength zone. b. When approaching a windward mark on opposite tack. c. At a starting mark surrounded by navigable water. That is, you don’t have to let a barger in at the start except to avoid collision (then protest).

10. Acknowledge your fouls and protest those who don’t. A free rule book comes with US Sailing membership. See

I hope to see you sailing next Tuesday.

Barry Keeler

Sailing Pair A Dice


Thursday, August 10, 2023



August 8, 2023


As the day progressed, I observed a heavy fog bank offshore, but at least there was wind in the harbor.  Predictions were for light wind for the evening but as we left the harbor, there was a nice 10 knot breeze across the bay.  We determined the wind was coming from 230 and set a line square to this direction. We called for course Whiskey 6: Start> Schuyler> Finish and blew the 10 minute horn.

We observed as A fleet got off to a clean start.  Even B fleet got off to a clean start, though it was crowded on parts of the line.  The first A fleet boat to round Schuyler was Flexi Flye, followed by Watts Moore, Sagittarius, Sticky Fingers, Coyote, Odonata and Aquavit.  Zoop led the charge around Schuyler for fleet B followed by Avatar, Perfect 36, Pair A Dice, Nidaros, TOAD, Wind Goddess, Simpatico and Muffin.

At the finish, Fleet A was led by Flexi Flyer 48:48 followed by Watts Moore 49:21, Sticky Fingers 52:03, Sagittarius 52:27,Wind 1:02:47, Coyote 1:06:29, Odonata 1:10:27 and Aquavit 1:15:17.  Fleet B had Zoop finish first 54:41 followed by Avatar 57:29, Sailing Pair A Dice 1:02:05, Perfect 36 1:03:18 and Nidaros 1:05:58.  All times are elapsed and the course distance was 3.5 NM.

Though the wind was fading, causing many boats to give up and “head to the bar”, it was a great evening to be sailing.  With the rest of the nation still dealing with intense heat, it was awesome to be sailing in a misty cool breeze.


PLACE                   BOAT                                     PHRF                     FINISH TIME


1                             WATTS MOORE                 150                        40:36

2                             STICKY FINGERS             162                        42:36

3                             FLEXI FLYER                     96                          43:12

4                             SAGITTARIUS                   120                        45:27

5                             WIND II                               213                        50:21

6                             ODONATA                           243                        56:16

7                             COYOTE                             86                           1:01:28                          

8                             AQUAVIT                            72                           1:11:05


1                             ZOOP                                    144                        46:17

2                             AVATAR                                132                        49:47

3                             SAILING PAIR A DICE       180                        51:35

4                             PERFECT 36                        144                        54:54

5                             NIDAROS                             108                        5


The track for this evening can be seen at:


This is not a racing issue, but an interesting discovery.  If you have a diesel engine, it is important to monitor the amount of water expelled in your exhaust.  Recently someone commented that the amount of water coming from my boat was decreasing.  Sure enough, this last week my engine overheated.  I found that my raw water intake hose was clogged.  I disconnected the hose from the thru-hull to the raw water strainer. I opened the ball cock and blew through the hose to dislodge the “mini log jam”.  This is one of several things that can cause overheating, but a very simple remedy if this is the cause. 


Years ago, I was participating in a national regatta in San Francisco and hailed a “PROTEST!” against a boat that had committed a foul.  Back at the club I was trying to decide whether to proceed with the protest procedure.  An accomplished sailor advised: “You must protest! If we are not going to follow the rules, let’s just start the engines!”. 

Being fouled is not fun and protests can be a nuisance but are a necessary part of racing.  If you break a rule, commit a foul and are protested, you need to take a proper turn (usually 360 degrees) to exonerate.  Apologizing at the bar is not an acceptable alternative. We all make mistakes but when you commit a foul and exonerate yourself by sailing to a clear area (not interfering with other boats) and take a turn, I guarantee it will increase your awareness and help prevent errors (and fouls) in the future.  Protests in this series should not be viewed as a shaming experience but they are a huge opportunity for us all to learn the Racing Rules of Sailing.

Though there is reference in our course card SIs about filing protests, one definitive action is not covered in our SIs: the requirement to hail "PROTEST” and wave a red protest flag.   To file a protest, the following actions must be followed:


1) Hail:  PROTEST! as loud as possible and wave a RED PROTEST FLAG very soon after the incident.

2) If protested boat does not exonerate (perform a 360 degree turn) the incident should be filed in an email to SAILINGPAIRADICE@GMAIL.COM.  This email should describe the perspective of the protesting boat and the details of the incident. This protesting email must be sent by 12 noon the day after the race.

3)The incident report will be submitted to the protested boat for their perspective of what happened. It is also good if other “witness boats” can offer their perspective.

4) The reports from each party will be considered by a protest committee of at least two judges.

5) Resolution of incidents may require a private meeting with parties from each boat and the protest committee to render a ruling.

6) Results from this correspondence and meeting may be posted in the blog for educational purposes.


This change to our Tuesday evening sails should not inhibit our fun and should improve our sailing and  knowledge of the rules.

The Racing Rules of Sailing can be reviewed at this site:

I hope to see you sailing next Tuesday.

Barry Keeler

Sailing Pair A Dice

Thursday, August 3, 2023


 AUGUST 1, 2023


Predictions for the evening were widespread, indicating 5-17 knots with 24 knot gusts.  The flags were showing a mild northwesterly.  Upon examination of the sea state, the decision was made to downsize our jib to the 135.  As we left the harbor just after 5, we found that we needed to reef even with the smaller jib.  The wind was close to 20 knots coming directly from 240 and we set a line square to this direction and called for course Whiskey 2.  We blew the “10-minute horn”

Fleet A started with no issues and made their way to the windward mark as Fleet B set up fore their start.  It was an interesting scenario with more wind outside and lighter wind inside.  The first of A Fleet to round Schuyler was Aboriginal followed by Perigon, Frisky, Flexi Flyer, Sagittarius, Geronimo, Interlude, Aquavit, Coyote, Sticky Fingers, Watts Moore and Odonata.  Fleet B was led by Zoop around Schuyler followed by Perfect 36, Gold Rush, Blond Ambition, Pair A Dice, Sweet Pea, Rosie, Makani, TOAD, Pacific Spirit (substituted by a Catalina 38 in their fleet), Simpatico, Nidaros, Kicks and Big Mac.

The quick run to Mile buoy, then down to Blacks made for some great off-wind sailing.  The wind stayed with us long enough for everyone to finish the race.  The first A Fleet over the finish line was Aboriginal 38:28 followed by Perigon 43:31, Flexi Flyer 44:08, Frisky 44:24, Geronimo 46:45, Sagittarius 47:51, Double Espresso 48:39, Aquavit 48:41, Interlude 49:36, Watts Moore 50:46, Coyote 50:550, Sticky Fingers 53:51 and Odonata 1:02:19.  B Fleet was led by Zoop 50:40 followed by Perfect 36 52:27,  Gold Rush 53:44, Blond Ambition 57:43, Pair A Dice 57:47, Makani 58:33, TOAD  59:01, Rosie 59:23, Sweet Pea 59:51, Nidaros 1:00:04, Pacific Spirit substitute 1:00:57,  Simpatico 1:01:35 and Kicks 1:02:33.  All times are elapsed and the course distance was 4.75 NM.

With expectations for a light wind evening and with the awesome wind we had, it was apparent that conditions exceeded our expectations.


PLACE                   BOAT                                     PHRF                     ADJUSTED TIME


1             ABORIGINAL                                      33                           35:51

2             FLEXI FLYER                                      96                           36:31

3             PERIGON                                             81                           37:06

4             FRISKY                                                81                           37:59

5             SAGITTARIUS                                    120                        38:21

6             WATTS MOORE                                  150                        38:53

7             GERONIMO                                         87                           39:51

8             DOUBLE ESPRESSO                          99                           40:39

9             STICKY FINGERS                              162                        41:01   

10           AQUAVIT                                             72                           42:59

11           0D0NATA                                             243                        43:04

12           COYOTE                                              86                           44:01


1             ZOOP                                                    144                        39:16

2             PERFECT 36                                        144                        41:03

3             SAILING PAIR A DICE                       180                        43:32

4             GOLD RUSH                                       126                        43:45

5             BLOND AMBITION                           165                        44:39

6             ROSIE                                                  162                        46:33

7             SWEET PEA                                        165                        46:47

8             MAKANI                                             147                        46:54

9             TOAD                                                   150                        47:05

10           KICKS                                                  180                        48:18

11           SIMPATICO                                         165                        48:31

12           PACIFIC SPIRIT (SUBSTITUTE)      144                        49:33



The track for this evening can be found at:


We have a unique format for our racing on Tuesdays. Our races are tracked and scored using an app on our phones: Race QS.  We have no committee boat to sight the line for starts and finishes.  Though I set the start line and call the course, I am also a competitor.  In almost all normal regattas, the start line is also used as a finish line. This works well when a committee boat is sighting the line to call times.  We have no committee and I retrieve the start line ball before all boats have finished, so we cannot use the same line for start and finish.  Some boats are using the start line for the finish.  It is impossible to score race finishes when some boats finish at the S/F mark (using the line between

 S/F and the jetty lighthouse) and others are using the start line (if still in position).  Our course card this year indicates which side of the boat each finish mark should be passed within 200 feet.  Don’t forget to check the course card to determine which side to pass the finish mark.

Since the start line ball is removed before all boats finish, it is necessary for the finish line to be indicated by two fixed points like S/F and a lighthouse or a designated point on land.  To be fair to all participants, I believe finishing with the mark (passed on the course card designated side within 200 feet) is the most fair way to finish on Tuesday nights. When using the S/F mark, please use the line between S/F and the Jetty Lighthouse as the finish line.

_)     _)     _)           (_             (_                  (_

I hope to see you on the water August 6 for BBBS!

Barry Keeler

Sailing Pair A Dice