Thursday, October 27, 2022



OCTOBER 25, 2022


It was not encouraging to see the flag hanging limp over the Crow's Nest when I got to the harbor. Sure enough, as we left the harbor the bay was absolutely glassy with no wind.  With the impending sunset, we could not call for anything but a very short course.  As time progressed, a whisper of Easterly was showing on the bay so we called for the course: Start line and finish at Blacks.  We determined the wind was coming from 60 degrees and set a line for the start.  We blew the 5:50 horn for a two-fleet start as the Easterly wind was getting even weaker and the sun was sinking lower on the horizon.  We had over a dozen boats out to experience the frustration.

Fleet A started at 5:55 as four boats made it over the line and inched their way toward Blacks.  Fleet B had more boats start at 6pm but several boats got discouraged and/or thirsty and headed for the harbor and the bar.  It was excruciating to see the boats inching slowly toward the finish line at Blacks.

The first Fleet A boat to finish was Double Expresso 30:32, followed by Tusitala 31:16, Sweetheart 32:54 and Avatar 33:42.  The first of Fleet B to finish was Makani 30:01 followed by Kicks 35:59, Goldrush 36:45 and Toad 36:55.  Times are elapsed and the course length was 0.26NM.

It was frustrating and understandable that only 8 boats finished the race, though it was a beautiful sunset.


PLACE                   BOAT                                     ADJUSTED SECONDS


1              DOUBLE EXPRESSO                          1806

2              TUSITALA                                            1852

3              SWEETHEART                                     1975

4              AVATAR                                               1987


1              MAKANI                                              1762

2              KICKS                                                    2106

3              GOLD RUSH                                        2172

4              TOAD                                                    2176


The track for this evening can be found at:


Next Tuesday (November 1) will be the first Tuesday afternoon sail of the season.  We will start races at 4pm and will use our two fleet start with a horn blown at 3:50.  Since the SCYC marks are pulled for the winter, we may start from other locations like Gov. Monitor channel 69 each Tuesday for starting location. Winter sailing has impediments that will sometimes prevent us from sailing: Rain, shoaled harbor, large waves at the harbor entrance can prevent our ability to sail.  I will be informing the group by email (by 12 noon) if a race will be cancelled.  

Every Tuesday the club will be open at 5pm offering food and drinks just like our summer evening sails.  We will also continue our tradition of barbecues on the last Tuesday of each month. 

On November 1, as a special bonus, Paul Tara will present his piece on seamanship after the race. My understanding is that this presentation describes how things can spiral out of control and should be educational for all of us.   This will be downstairs at the club and start time will be announced at the club depending on when the race ends.

If you can make it, I hope to see you next Tuesday on the water.

Barry Keeler

Sailing Pair A Dice


Wednesday, October 19, 2022



OCTOBER 18, 2022


I had a project to do on my boat so I was at the harbor by 2pm.  I was encouraged to see plenty of wind on the flags through the afternoon, but as the afternoon progressed, the wind was dying.  By 5pm the flags were limp!  As we left the harbor, there was a good Northwesterly blowing way outside and a hint of an Easterly at the start area.  Which wind would prevail?  We even felt a Northerly blowing off the beach at times then hints of a Northwesterly again.  In these changing conditions, it is impossible to set a line square to the wind, but we tried anyway.  I really thought the wind would fill from one of the directions but the wind confusion continued.  In such light conditions, there are no marks close enough to conduct a race, so we motored about 300 yards from the start line and dropped our "flag buoy". We called for a course from the start line to take the flag buoy to starboard and used the harbor entrance as the finish line. We blew the 5:50 horn for a two-fleet start.  Though I counted close to 20 boats out for the fun, it was understandable that many boats were enticed by the stronger wind outside or the better drinks at the bar and only 12 boats actually sailed the short course.

I decided to sail Fleet B this night and witnessed a hectic A Fleet start with the wind changing to a direction that favored the yellow ball end of the line and several boats trying port tack starts.  The first A fleet boat to round the flag buoy was Avatar followed by Tusitala, Sweetheart, Sanctuaire, Pacific Spirit, Double Espresso and Muffin.   While there was a very light breeze for the A Fleet start, B Fleet had even lighter wind with many of us stuck in a hole of no wind.  The first B Fleet boat around the temporary mark was Kicks followed by Sweet Pea, Makani, Nidaros and Simpatico.  Pair a Dice could not finish the race in order to retrieve the marks.

At the finish for A Fleet, Avatar was first across 23:39, followed by Tusitala 25:03, Sweetheart 25:30, Sanctuaire 26:15, Double Expresso 26:21, Pacific Spirit 28:08 and Muffin 28:44.  Fleet B finished with Kicks in the lead 24:55 (GO KICKS!), followed by Makani 24:56, Sweet Pea 26:03, Nidaros 26:57 and Simpatico 29:32.  All times are elapsed and the course distance was about 0.6 NM.

It was a beautiful sunset, but throughout the race, wind was constantly changing direction and strength. It was like we were experiencing a battle of the winds.



PLACE   BOAT                                                     ADJUSTED SECONDS       HIGH SCORE


1              AVATAR                                               1339                                       7

2              TUSITALA                                           1449                                       6

3              SANCTUAIRE                                     1506                                       5

4              DOUBLE EXPRESSO                         1521                                       4

5              SWEETHEART                                    1533                                       3

6              PACIFIC SPIRIT                                  1589                                       2             

7              MUFFIN                                               1641                                       1


1              KICKS                                                  1387                                       5

2              MAKANI                                              1407                                       4

3              SWEET PEA                                         1464                                       3

4              NIDAROS                                             1552                                       2

5              SIMPATICO                                          1673                                        1



Race QS:

The track for this evening can be found at:


Next Tuesday will be the last Tuesday night sail of the season.  It is also a barbecue night and a celebration at the club with many boats and sailors getting recognition for various attributes and characteristics.  If you have participated in this Tuesday Night Sailing series, I encourage you to attend this celebration.

We will transition to Tuesday Afternoon Sailing on November 1 for those that can make it.  We will start the season with a 4PM start and we will begin with a two fleet start, with the horn blown at 3:50 for Fleet A to start at 3:55 and B Fleet at 4pm.

There are differences between Tuesday Night summer sailing and Tuesday Afternoon winter racing.  While Summer sailing has few impediments, Winter is different.  The harbor may be shoaled, it could be pouring rain or have large swells at the harbor entrance.  The SCYC racing marks will ultimately be removed so we may change the start area to be around GOV.  These differences require communication if there will not be a race.  This will be communicated through email, so if you are not on the Tuesday Afternoon email list and you are interested in Tuesday afternoon sailing, please send me your email address. As a bonus, SCYC will be open and food offered starting at 5PM.


Put this on your calendar.  After the race, Paul Tara will present his piece on seamanship and the chain of errors that can cause things to spiral out of control.  Start time of this presentation will be determined by the time of our arrival at the club after the race.  We will let you know when it will start.


I love sailing with different crew.  It can be an incredible learning experience.  While I am on the helm, I focus on the tell tales to make sure I am steering efficiently.  I experienced a new element on this night with new crew.  This crew was scanning the boats to anticipate and announce wind changes as displayed by other boats.  This is an elementary concept, but for me was a revelation with such changing winds.


Barry Keeler

Sailing Pair A Dice

Thursday, October 13, 2022



OCTOBER 11, 2022


With dire wind predictions I was surprised to see some wind on the flags when I got to the harbor. Was it just a "fog wind line"?  We left the harbor around 5 pm and the ocean looked like there was a little wind sporadically displayed across the bay.  We determined the wind was coming from about 200 degrees which is from the South.  This creates quite a dilemma: light wind from the south and the closest mark is Mile buoy with very little time before sunset.  I called for course Sierra 2: Start, Mile and finish at the start mark.  It seemed a little ambitious, but we had the option to shorten course and finish at Mile. We blew our horn at 5:50 for a two-fleet start.  We had 21 boats out for the fun.

Fleet A got off to a good start at 5:55 and B Fleet followed with a start at 6:00.  As it turns out, there were pockets of good but light wind and pockets of even lighter wind.  These areas of lighter wind did not seem to display on the water as glassy areas.  Is this the way fog wind lines work? Several of the A fleet got stuck in wind holes and stalled while some of the B Fleet seemed to get some stronger wind areas.  While this confusion played out, the wind seemed to veer more to the west enabling some boats to nearly lay Mile Buoy. The first to round Mile was Aboriginal, followed by Good Timin', Frisky, Sanctuaire, Perfect 36, Tusitala, Aquavit, Avatar, Pacific Spirit and Big Mac.  The first B Fleet boat around was Simpatico followed by Zoop, Makani, Toad, Pair A Dice, Sweet Pea and Kicks.

The long run back to mile was threatened by impending darkness as the sun was setting and boats were sailing with their running lights on. By this time, the wind had veered enough to the West that whisker poles were not necessary. It was also discouraging that the wind was very light at the start mark which compressed all boats.  At the finish, Aboriginal was the first to cross 39:57 followed by Good Timin' 43:44, Tusitala 48:07, Frisky 48:15, Perfect 36 49:15, Aquavit 49:22, Avatar 49:46, Double Expresso 49:52, Pacific Spirit 51:02, Sanctuaire 51:57 and Big Mac 53:51.  The first B Fleet boat was Simpatico 44:46 (just ahead of a couple of A Fleet boats) Zoop 44:46,  Nidaros 45:30, Toad 47:32, Pair a Dice 47:38 and Makani 49:46.  All times are elapsed and the course length was 2.03 NM.

It was a very challenging evening on the water with such unpredictable wind resulting from the fog line. There was a lot of luck involved in being in the right area at the right time, such is life when you sail on a fog wind line!


PLACE                   BOAT                     ADJUSTED SECONDS                       HIGHT SCORE


1              ABORIGINAL                      2330                                                       11

2              GOOD TIMIN'                      2337                                                       10          

3              PERFECT 36                         2662                                                       9

4              TUSITALA                            2704                                                       8

5              AVATAR                                2718                                                       7             

6              PACIFIC SPIRIT                   2727                                                       6

7              FRISKY                                 2730                                                       5

8              BIG MAC                              2780                                                       4

9              DOUBLE EXPRESSO          2791                                                       3             

10           AQUAVIT                               2815                                                       2

11           SANCTUAIRE                       2885                                                       1


1              SIMPATICO                          2351                                                       6

2              ZOOP                                    2393                                                       5

3              PAIR A DICE                        2492                                                       4

4              NIDAROS                             2510                                                       3

5              TOAD                                    2547                                                       2

6              MAKANI                               2687                                                       1


It is necessary to run this app to be counted in our series.  Please preset your start time on the app  for a time before your start.  The track for this evening's sail can be found at:


There is a request on the table to start races (beginning November 1) at 4pm rather than the earlier announced 3pm.  This will accommodate people that can adjust their work schedules for an afternoon sail.  Any changes about Tuesday afternoon sailing will be posted in the blog and by email to the Tuesday AFTERNOON sail group.


Two boats are sailing dead downwind (DDW), both with their boom on starboard side of boat (port tack).  The boat on the right achieves overlap from behind and attempts to luff up the boat to the left. If two boats are sailing DDW how can there be a leeward boat? This is determined by which side of the boat the boom is on.  With both boats having their boom on the starboard side, this establishes the boat to the right as being the leeward boat. But what are the limitations and rules involved.  The leeward boat established overlap from astern within 2 boat lengths, so Rule 17 comes into play: he can luff the windward boat up to the leeward boat's proper course and no higher.  Since the boats are sailing DDW, it would be easy for the windward boat to jibe the main and become starboard tack boat and luff the (former leeward boat) up as far as head to wind allowing time for course change to prevent collision.

Another scenario is having two boats, both on port tack and a boat establishes overlap to windward of the other boat.  Rule 17 is not invoked but rule 11 (When boats are on the same tack and overlapped, a windward boat shall keep clear of a leeward boat) comes into play.  This means if a boat overtakes you to windward (both on same tack), you can luff the windward boat all the way to head to wind but not further. Going any further than head to wind would break rule 13 because you would be tacking in front of another boat.

This is simply a rules discussion. Always remember, any time you engage with another boat, you may slow the other boat but you are slowing your boat even more.  Are you racing or just messing around with other boats?

See you next Tuesday.

Barry Keeler

Sailing Pair A Dice


Thursday, October 6, 2022



OCTOBER 4, 2022


I got to the boat around 3pm and, once again was discouraged by the mostly limp flags indicating a lack of breeze.  I have developed the attitude to not worry, just deal with what you get!  As we left the harbor, it was encouraging to see an Easterly wind developing across the bay.  We determined the wind was from 75 degrees and set a line square to the wind. We called for course Echo 5 but shortened the course to finish at Blacks with the finish line being the extension of the line from the jetty lighthouse through Blacks.   This shortened course worked well with the short evening and avoided the confusion between the two fleets at the start mark with one A Fleet finishing (starboard) and the other B Fleet rounding the mark (port).  We blew the 5:50 horn for the A fleet to start at 5:55 and B fleet to start at 6pm.

I sailed in B fleet for this evening which allows me to sight the line for the A fleet start.  I was discouraged to see several boats that were OCS, but was Impressed when they all returned to start correctly.  It was a very competitive start with most boats crowded on the line starting at the start mark end of the line. All boats tacked their way toward Blacks and the first of the A fleet to round was Aboriginal followed by Sweetheart, Pinata, Watts Moore, Frisky, Sagittarius, Double Expresso, Avatar, Sanctuaire, Tusitala, Aquavit, Geronimo and New Wave.  The first of B fleet to round Blacks was Zoop followed by Perfect 36, Simpatico, Good Timin', Pair A Dice, Pacific Spirit, Makani, Nidaros and Sweet Pea.

At the finish, the first of A fleet to finish was Aboriginal 19:47, followed by Pinata 22:35, Sweetheart 23:29, Watts Moore 23:54, Double Expresso 26:06, Avatar 26:46, Tusitala 27:02, Sagittarius 27:16, Frisky 27:44, Aquavit 28:28, Wind II 28:36, New Wave 29:33, Geronimo 31:01 and Sanctuaire 31:17.  All times are elapsed and the course distance was 1.26 NM. 

The first of B Fleet to finish was Zoop 25:27 followed by Perfect 36 26:34, Good TImin' 27:23, Simpatico 30:35, Pair A Dice 31:42, Makani 32:17, Pacific Spirit 32:40, Nidaros 34:11 and Sweet Pea 36:17.  All times are elapsed and the course distance was 1.26NM.

With the sun setting so early it was a short sail but the sunset was beautiful!


PLACE                   BOAT                                     ADJUSTED SECONDS       HIGH SCORE


1              ABORIGINAL                                      1145                                    14

2              PINATA                                                 1234                                    13

3              WATTS MOORE                                  1245                                     12

4              SWEETHEART                                    1416                                      11

5              AVATAR                                                1439                                    10

6              DOUBLE EXPRESSO                         1441                                        9

7              WIND II                                                1447                                        8

8              SAGITTARIUS                                     1484                                        7

9              TUSITALA                                            1508                                        6

10           FRISKY                                                  1561                                        5

11           AQUAVIT                                               1617                                        4

12           NEW WAVE                                           1648                                        3

13           SANCTUAIRE                                       1733                                        2

14           GERONIMO                                           1751                                        1


1              ZOOP                                                    1345                                           9

2              PERFECT 36                                        1412                                            8

3              GOOD TIMIN'                                     1465                                            7

4              SIMPATICO                                         1627                                            6

5              PAIR A DICE                                        1675                                            5

6              MAKANI                                              1751                                            4

7              PACIFIC SPIRIT                                   1752                                            3

8              NIDAROS                                             1914                                            2

9              SWEET PEA                                         1969                                            1


Race QS:

The track for the evening can be found at:


At the club on Tuesday a common question people asked was: "When will we change from Tuesday night to Tuesday afternoon?" As the nights get shorter, it limits the time on the water, raising the question: Do I really want to prepare for such a short sail?  We will make the last Tuesday Night sail on October 25 which will be a barbecue night.  We will celebrate the end of the season at this barbecue at the club.


For the retired and people who can work it into their work schedules we continue to sail on Tuesday afternoons during the winter. We will start at 3 pm on November 1.  Be sure to monitor your VHF on channel 69 since we may start at different locations.  We will try to start with a single fleet with a horn blown at 2:55 for a 3 pm start.

The club will be open with drinks and food available after the sail.  Paul Tara will display his presentation about seamanship.  This should be very educational: "Beware the chain of errors. From the Spanish Armada to Monterey Bay. What can we learn?".  This presentation should start at 5:30. Even if you don't sail, you may come to this presentation

Winter sailing is different from Summer sailing.  There are possibilities of rain, harbor shoaling and other reasons for races to be cancelled.  I will send a message to last year's Tuesday Afternoon sailing group today.  If you get the message and want to be removed from the list, let me know.  If you DO NOT get an email today and want to be included send me an email with your contact information.

I am looking forward to our winter season of sailing.

Barry Keeler

Sailing Pair A Dice