Thursday, September 24, 2020





The prediction from Predict Wind was very light wind for the evening, but what do they know?  I showed up to the harbor around 3 and the flags confirmed Predict Wind’s forecast.  As we left the harbor right after 5, we had a little wind coming from the southeast. This is characteristic for the development of an easterly wind.  We set the mark for a true east wind and sure enough, the Easterly did develop.  We were set for a 5:45 start and we had about 18 boats out for the fun.  With the wind we had, I chose to ignore Predict Winds forecast and called for a rather ambitious course B4.  We blew the 5 minute horn at 5:40 for a 5:45 start.

As usual, the start line was crowded but everyone was well behaved as we all charged for Blacks.  Most of us had to throw a tack in to get around Blacks, but Aquavit made it without a tack.  At Blacks, Auquavit was first around, followed by Perfect 36, New Wave, Pair a Dice, Avatar, Mercury 565, Nidaros, Pacific Spirit, Sweet Pea and Toad. Off for the long downwind slog to Gov.

As usual the inside versus outside track was considered.  Many of the boats with whisker poles sailed down the middle, while others without poles sailed hotter angles of sail.  They were sailing faster and more distance but were just staying in the pack. I was lulled into complacency, the wind always feels light when you sail downwind. Rounding the leeward mark and beating back into the wind usually feels  stronger.  In reality, the wind was dying and was very light once we rounded Gov. Darned Predict Wind was right!  Most of the boats made it around GOV with Patricia J first followed by Auquavit (36:22), Mercury (39:55), Avatar (43:29), New Wave (43:47),  Perfect 36 (44:47), Pair a Dice (44:55),  Nidaros (46:18), and Sweet Pea (57:34).  The distance of the course to this point was 1.84 NM.

Once we all rounded Gov, the wind was fading.  The question was: which would expire first, the wind or the light as the sun was disappearing behind lighthouse point.  One by one boats were giving up and heading for the harbor.  Kudos to the boats that actually finished: Patricia J (no time track faded), Auquavit 1:12:35, Nidaros 1:26:19, Avatar 1:28:18, and Guenter’s Finn 1:32.  All times are elapsed and the length of the course was 2.8NM.  Pair A Dice got stuck a literal stone’s throw from the finish line with currents fighting us and not a breath of wind, we abandoned the effort.


Most boats are using this app now which is fantastic.  Some of the boat tracks seem to fade in and out.  I do not know if this is batteries going dead (I plug my phone in to prevent this).  The track for tonight

can be seen at:


As the days get shorter, we should all be aware that some of our boats are without motors.  It is not fun  being stuck on a boat with no motor, no wind and in the dark.  This admonishment goes to both sides of this predicament.  If you need a tow, let us know!  You can hail on channel 69 or let the closest boat  know (best to have a radio!).  If you are under power in light wind, and see any boats that may need a tow, check in with them.  I would hate to see powerless boats abandon the race because they are afraid of not making the harbor before dark.


Once again, we will have a barbecue that is covid safe.  Masks will be worn, and social distancing will be enforced. The club bar will be open so it is not BYOB. Mike Gross will be cooking and providing all food. If you want to bring a salad or something to share feel free to do so.  Due to generous donations from previous barbecues, this night will be free. If you have not attended a BBQ this year and plan to come, please text me at 234-0322 with the number of people that will attend.  ONCE AGAIN WE WILL START THE RACE EARLY. WE WILL HAVE A 5:45 START WITH THE 5 MINUTE HORN BLOWN AT 5:40.


Barry L. Keeler

Sailing Pair A Dice


  1. Barry, The Perfect Thirty-six finished with the help of Iron wind, figured that would be very obvious looking at raceQ tracking. We were frustrated and went for the finish just for laughs. DQ us, did not finish. However we did make the first mark without a tack. Steve

  2. Hi Barry, We had trouble starting Pacific Spirit when we were leaving the dock (due to dead batteries), and we were worried we wouldn't be able to start up again after the race. When it became clear that we wouldn't finish until after sunset, we dropped out early, and I turned off our race QS track. Fortunately, the boat did start right up, but this explains why we dropped off Race QS. Diana
