Thursday, June 22, 2023



JUNE 20, 2023


Returning from my vacation, it was good to see that we had brisk winds to work with. No bobbing tonight!  We left the harbor with enough wind to indicate that a reef was necessary.   We determined the wind was coming from 235 degrees and set a mark square to this.  We called for course Whiskey 1 and blew the “10-minute horn”.  Fleet A had a clean start with most boats at the red ball end of the line, indicating that maybe the line was not as square as we thought. Fleet B had a few boats OCS but most returned to cross the line appropriately.

Though there was plenty of wind to work with, there were lulls and gusts that had to be considered.  There was also a lot of wave action that slowed boats when they were on starboard tack.  The first Fleet A boat to round Schuyler was Aboriginal followed by Yellow Belly, Geronimo, Sagittarius, Perigon and Rosie.  Fleet B had Perfect 36 first around Schuyler followed by Nidaros, Makani, Zoop, Schock  Therapy,  Pacific Spirit,  Toad, Pair a Dice, Big Mac and Simpatico.

As boats rounded Mile Buoy and made their way to Gov, the Northerly started filling in which necessitated tacking to be able to round Gov.  At the finish Aboriginal was the first  A fleet boat to cross, 38:44 followed by Geronimo 47:14, Perigon 47:54, Yellow Belly 48:58, Sagittarius 50:27 and Rosie 54:39. B fleet was led at the finish  by Perfect 36 49:42, followed by Zoop 50:30, Makani 52:10, Nidaros 53:57, Pacific Spirit 56:34,  Schock  Therapy 57:01, Pair A Dice 58:28, Big Mac 1:00:51, Toad 1:01:59 and Simpatico 1:03:46.  All times are elapsed and the course distance was 4.2 NM.

With the summer solstice happening the next day, it was great to have some brisk solstice winds.



PLACE    BOAT                                     ADJUSTED TIME


1             ABORIGINAL                      36:25

2             YELLOW BELLY                 39:05

3             GERONIMO                         41:08

4             SAGITTARIUS                     42:03

5             PERIGON                             42:13

6             ROSIE                                   43:18


1             PERFECT 36                        39:37

2             SCHOCK THERAPY           40:00

3             ZOOP                                    40:25

4             MAKANI                              41:52

5             PACIFIC SPIRIT                   45:01

6             BIG MAC                              45:18

7             PAIR A DICE                         45:52

8             NIDAROS                             46:23

9             TOAD                                    51:29

10           SIMPATICO                         52:13                                                                                   


Race Qs:

The track for this evening can be found at:

Race QS has been having problems, though most tracks worked for this race.  I like Chris’s approach to this problem.  Each boat should record the time they finish and the boats that finished just ahead and behind.  With this information, if your track does not upload and you report this information to me,  we can  still include you in the blog.


Accomplishing a good start is a critical part of racing.  Port tack starts can be exciting but also risky if you need to duck multiple SB tack boats.  This is why most boats start on starboard tack.  On this night, I was egregiously OCS at the start and had to come back to start appropriately.  I guess I was “still on vacation”, but it impressed me about the importance of monitoring your position in relation to the line.

See you next Tuesday!

Barry Keeler

Sailing Pair A Dice



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