Thursday, May 23, 2024



MAY 21, 2024


Predictions for this evening were almost the same as last Tuesday’s predictions: 11 knots decreasing to 3 knots.  When we left the harbor, it seemed to be a carbon copy of last Tuesday with one slight difference: the wind direction last Tuesday was 240 degrees and this week, the wind was coming from 220 degrees.  Last week’s race was so awesome with the wind sticking around to the end of the race, I called for the same race as last week, Whiskey 3.  We had about 26 boats out for the race, with a brisk 12 knot breeze. We blew the “10 minute horn” at 5:50 and observed a clean A fleet start  with B Fleet following five minutes later.

All boats tacked their way to the first mark, Schuyler. As time progressed the wind started to die as we approached Schuyler.  The first A fleet to round was Aboriginal followed by Sweetheart, Hijinx, Interlude, Aquavit, Watts Moore, Duet, Double Espresso, Good Timin’, and Quixotic. Fleet B was led by Zoop, Avatar, Nidaros, Makani, Pacific Spirit, Pair A Dice, Toad, and Big Mac.

 Schuyler can be a difficult mark to round, but on this evening the slowest boats in Fleet B were dealt a difficult situation as the wind completely died. It must have taken us 10 minutes in close proximity to finally round it.  Even after rounding, the prospect of making it all the way to Blacks was a daunting challenge. As we bobbed aimlessly, I started looking around for a new wind.   The water seemed to be darker close to shore, was it a new Easterly developing?  I confirmed it was as I saw boats closer to shore sailing in an Easterly.  I turned the boat toward shore using the waves to propel us as the Easterly continued to fill in further out.  We were sailing beating our way toward the once leeward mark, now windward.

At the finish, the first A Fleet boat to cross the line was Aboriginal 1:08:15 followed by Sweetheart 1:14:13, Hijinx 1:18:18, Yellow Belly 1:19:00, Interlude 1:19:20, Watts Moore 1:19:30, Good Timin’ 1:20:51, Double Espresso 1:22:49, Quixotic 1:26:42, Aquavit 1:27:03 and Wind II 1:32:37.  Fleet B was led by Gold Rush 1:22:08 followed by Avatar 1:23:16, Zoop 1:23:48, Nidaros 1:28:03, Pacific Spirit 1:34:35, Makani 1:39:13, Pair A Dice 1:39:18, Big Mac 1:40:37 and Toad 1:45:08. All times are elapsed and the course distance was  3.61NM.

With the evening starting with a healthy 12 knot Northwesterly wind, shifting to no wind then ending with a healthy Easterly, it was upwind sailing for most of the race.



PLACE                 BOAT                                   PHRF                   CORRECTED TIME


1             ABORIGINAL                                   33                          1:06:16

2             YELLOW BELLY                             141                       1:10:31

3             WATTS MOORE                               150                       1:10:40

4             INTERLUDE                                     141                       1:10:51

5             HIJINX                                              99                         1:12:20

6             GOOD TIMIN’                                  141                       1:12:22

7             SWEETHEART                                -6                           1:14:13

8             DOUBLE ESPRESSO                      99                          1:16:51

9             WIND II                                             213                       1:19:48

10          AQUAVIT                                           72                          1:22:43

11          QUIXOTIC                                         51                          1:23:37


1             GOLD RUSH                                     126                        1:14:33           

2              ZOOP                                                 144                        1:15:08

3              AVATAR                                             130                       1:15:26        

4             NIDAROS                                           118                       1:20:57

5            PACIFIC SPIRIT                                 165                       1:24:39

6             BIG MAC                                            222                       1:27:55

7             SAILING PAIR A DICE                     180                       1:28:28

8             MAKANI                                            147                       1:30:22

9             TOAD                                                  150                       1:36:06


This app is a great asset to our event.  Please try to preset your start to 5:45 (17:45) so we can witness your start on the replay. It is good also to record your finish time and how you finished with other boats in case your track does not work.  This is easy to do because all finish lines are now an extension of two points as noted on the course card. Tonight’s track can be viewed at:


Next Tuesday is the last Tuesday of the month which means it is potluck barbecue night at the club after the race.  Bring  your best barbecue food to share and  enjoy.

Barry Keeler

Sailing Pair A Dice

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