Thursday, August 22, 2024



AUGUST 20, 2024


As usual, I was discouraged by limp flags through the afternoon.   This frustration was enhanced as we left the harbor and saw a dying Easterly.  The wind was coming from about 110 degrees, and we set a line square to this as the wind was dying even more.  As the clocked ticked down and we were getting close to 5:35 I was thinking we had no other option but to cancel the race.  Suddenly, about 5:40 we witnessed boats leaving the harbor sailing down-wind.  We had a quickly developing Northerly breeze. I was considering an impromptu course and Bret sailed by suggesting course November 1 with possible shortening, so we called for this course.  With the wind shifting almost 180 degrees, we  used the original start line going the opposite direction. 

We blew the 10-minute horn and witnessed the A fleet start.  A couple of boats were OCS and restarted displaying the true Corinthian spirit.  B fleet got off to a clean start and all boats made their way to the first mark, GOV.  It was awesome sailing in a good breeze and with the gusts providing a lift, many boats nearly made it to GOV without having to tack.  The first A fleet boat to round GOV was Aboriginal followed by Frisky, Watts Moore,  Pegasus, Perigon, Quixotic and  Magic.   B Fleet was led by Avatar then Double Espresso, Sailing Pair A Dice,  Nidaros, Perfect 36, Simpatico, Pacific Spirit,  Big Mac  and Blonde Ambition.

After rounding GOV, we were reaching back to Blacks, but I thought the wind was dying a little, so I announced to shorten course to finish at S/F after rounding Blacks.  There was a lot of “non-sailing” chatter on our channel 69 so some boats may have turned the radio off and did not hear the shorten course announcement proceeding to round GOV again. A note of recognition for Kicks who towed a boat with mechanical problems back to the harbor, so missed the start.

The first A fleet boat to cross the finish line was Aboriginal 27:16, then Frisky 29:24, Watts Moore 32:35, Magic 34:32 and Quixotic 35:26.  B Fleet was led by Double Espresso 29:31, then Avatar 30:35, Sailing Pair A  Dice 34:04, Nidaros 35:05, Simpatico 35:30,  Pacific Spirit 35:39, Big Mac 36:38 and Blond Ambition 43:41.  All times are elapsed and the course distance  was  2.84 NM.

With the initial frustration dealing with total lack of wind and the awesome Northerly filling in just in time for the start, it was like it was NORTH WIND JUST FOR US!


PLACE                 BOAT                                                   PHRF                   CORRECTED TIME


1             WATTS MOORE                                             150                       25:29

2             ABORIGINAL                                                 33                          25:42

3             FRISKY                                                            81                          25:44

4             MAGIC                                                             141                       28:50

5             QUIXOTIC                                                       51                          33:00


1             AVATAR                                                            132                       24:20

2             DOUBLE ESPRESSO                                      99                          24:50

3             BIG MAC                                                         222                       26:07

4             SAILING PAIR A DICE                                  180                       26:16

5             PERFECT 36                                                   144                       27:15

6             SIMPATICO                                                    165                       27:45

7             PACIFIC SPIRIT                                             165                       27:50

8             NIDAROS                                                       118                       29:30

9             BLONDE AMBITION                                    165                       43:41                 



The track for this evening can be viewed at:



This coming Tuesday is the last Tuesday of the month which means it is BARBECUE NIGHT AT THE CLUB AFTER THE RACE! BRING YOUR BEST GRILLING FOOD FOR THIS AWESOME EVENT!            

Barry Keeler

Sailing Pair A Dice

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