Thursday, March 31, 2022



MARCH 29, 2022


Predictions for the evening were for 12 knot winds with gusts up to 20 knots.  When I got to the harbor, the flags were showing an Easterly starting to develop.  As we left the harbor, you could see the Easterly on the water with the Northwesterly still apparent further out. Another night of battling wind-lines!  Which one would prevail?  The first reading of wind direction close to the start mark showed 230 degrees and we set a line mark for that direction.  By the time we were getting closer to the start, the wind was showing more Easterly and we adjusted the line for that direction.  We called for an Easterly wind course Echo 5: Start, Blacks, Start, Blacks and back to finish with the start mark to starboard with the option to shorten course if the wind started to die.  We blew the five minute horn for the twenty boats that were out for the fun.

The adjustment of the line was good because the fleet was spread out along the whole line even though there seemed to be more wind further out closer to the yellow ball.  All boats made their way toward Blacks as the wind changed from an Easterly to a Westerly with many boats deploying their whisker poles in a situation that was turning the windward mark into a leeward rounding.  The first to round Blacks was Water Dragon, followed by Sweetheart, Avatar/Pacific Spirit/Watts Moore together, then New Wave, Kicks, Nidaros.  Frisky/Tusitala/Simpatico together then Aquavit, PAD, Makani, Perfect 36, Geronimo, Tessa and Seaquake.

After rounding Blacks, al boats made their way back to the new windward mark which was the start mark. Water Dragon was first followed by New Wave, Watts Moore, Sweetheart, Avatar, Frisky, Tusitala, Pacific Spirit, Aquavit, Geronimo, Makani, PAD, Perfect 36, Kicks, Nidaros, Simpatico, Sea Quake then Tessa.

We all rounded blacks again and started back toward the planned finish at the start mark but the wind suddenly died and we all were (once again) in a huge bob-fest.  Since only New Wave was able to finish the whole course, I decided to shorten the course to finish at the rounding of Blacks.  Shortening course after everyone has rounded a mark, may not be standard procedure, but it is more inclusive for the group.  At the  “Blacks finish line” New Wave was first 23:39 followed by Watts Moore 24:54, Sweetheart 25:47, Frisky 26:09, Tusitala 26:17, Avatar 26:30, Aquavit 27:41, Geronimo 27:55, Makani 28:13, Pair A Dice 28:59, Perfect 36 31:02, Nidaros 31:52, Simpatico 34:37 and Kicks 35:11.   All times are elapsed and  the course distance was 1.26 NM.

It was a challenging night with the change in wind direction and the wind finally dying completely.  Such is sailing in Santa Cruz in early spring with its unpredictable wind.



PLACE           BOAT                                     ADJ. SECONDS               HIGH SCORE                        

1        NEW WAVE                                         1294                                      15

2        WATTS MOORE                                  1305                                      14

3        AVATAR                                               1423                                       13                          

4        TUSITALA                                            1463                                      12          

5       PACIFIC SPIRIT                                    1488                                      11                                          

6       MAKANI                                               1507                                       10

7    PAIR A DICE                                            1512                                        9                                               

8        SWEETHEART                                     1554                                        8

9        GERONIMO                                         1565                                         7

10      AQUAVIT                                             1571                                         6             

11       GOOD TIMIN’                                    1646                                          5             

12      PERFECT 36                                        1680                                          4

13      NIDAROS                                            1764                                          3

14      SIMPATICO                                         1869                                          2

15      KICKS                                                  1884                                          1

In order to be counted in these races you must register your boat AND run Race QS.  Two boats in tonights race were not counted in the PHRF standings:  one was not registered the other did not complete the course.  Remember to monitor channel 69 for information about races and changes.  I cannot rate your boats PHRF standing without registration and listing of your PHRF.


Most boats ran their track and uploaded.  The track for this night can be found at:

We had a great barbecue at the club.  After socializing and eating we had a great “rules discussion” downstairs at the club.


This was a very interesting incident between 3 boats at the windward mark 3 weeks ago.  My boat was involved as I tried to shoot the mark and failed, stalling at the mark.  Consequently, I hit the mark, re-rounded the mark and did a 360 exoneration turn.  In the discussion, with Chris Hofmann and Fred Molnar, I found that with the  current rules, that hitting a mark only requires an exoneration of one tack and one jibe and no necessity to round the mark again. 

Rules involved are as follows.


This web-site is a great explanation with diagrams.




While racing, a boat shall not touch a starting mark before starting, a
mark that begins, bounds or ends the leg of the course on which she
is sailing, or a finishing mark after finishing

44.1 Taking a Penalty
A boat may take a Two-Turns Penalty when she may have broken
one or more rules of Part 2 in an incident while racing. She may take
a One-Turn Penalty when she may have broken rule 31.

Alternatively, sailing instructions may specify the use of the Scoring
Penalty or some other penalty, in which case the specified penalty
shall replace the One-Turn and the Two-Turns Penalty. However,
(a) when a boat may have broken a rule of Part 2 and rule 31 in the
same incident she need not take the penalty for breaking rule

(b) if the boat caused injury or serious damage or, despite taking a
penalty, gained a significant advantage in the race or series by
her breach her penalty shall be to retire.

22.2 A boat taking a penalty shall keep clear of one that is not

24.2 If reasonably possible, a boat shall not interfere with a boat that is
taking a penalty, sailing on another leg or subject to rule 22.1.
However, after the starting signal this rule does not apply when the
boat is sailing her proper course.

Thank you Chris and Fred for your work and explanation about these rules.

I am looking forward to another sail next Tuesday.


Barry Keeler

Sailing Pair A Dice





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